Wild Eros:
The Blog
Sacred Sexuality / Embodiment / Holistic Health / Shadow Work
Hello Wanderer,
My name is Monica, and I’m a Sacred Sexuality and Embodiment Coach.
This is a space where I post my musings on all things related to the work I offer, and a splash of other things.
Welcome to my personal blog
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Low Desire: Why it happens and what to do about it - Part II
In Part II of this series, we’ll look at proven somatic practices that can help heal the connection with the body and reignite desire and arousal from a place of relaxation and authenticity.

Low Desire: Why it happens and what to do about it - Part I
What causes low desire / low libido? Discover a multitude of factors in your life that may be diminishing your ability to feel a sense of desire or joy around your sexuality.